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Update on Eddie – the trainee Guide Dog for the Blind

Eddie, the trainee Guide Dog for the Blind, who Alasdair Morrison & Partners started sponsoring in January 2016, is doing exceptionally well and has even managed to find time to send us a postcard with an update on his advanced training!

Eddie wrote:​

“I’ve been carrying on with my training with Amanda and have been really enjoying it.

“I’ve been out and about visiting lots of different places now, I’m a lot more confident with handling the hustle and bustle of Norwich City Centre and I recently went to Redwings Horse Sanctuary! It was a bit of a surprise at first to see so many large horses, but I realised that they were okay after a while. 

​“I love cuddles with Amanda (Eddie’s trainer)  and my pet duck, and it makes Amanda laugh that I even carry my duck in my mouth when I’m working sometimes.

​“Thank you so much for sponsoring me. Eddie”

What a clever pup Eddie is! 

Eddie the trainee Guide Dog for the Blind being sponsored by Alasdair Morrison & Partners in Newark and Southwell

If you’d like to sponsor a trainee Guide Dog like Eddie, then please click here.

​And don’t forget that you can also help blind people in Newark and Southwell too by clicking here to visit their fundraising group.

Alasdair Morrison & Partners

trainee guide dog


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