Since the last Pupdate, Doris has begun her training
Here are our office opening hours for December 2024
Did you know that there are currently over 170 pieces of Government legislation relating directly to the renting, management, maintenance and upkeep of residential property in the UK
Find out about Doris' first steps with her Puppy Raiser Julie
Please join us in congratulating Deb Simpson on her 20 year anniversary!
Use the last few warm days to start doing your autumn cleaning, says Sharon
Rental demand is slightly down but competition remains high amongst tenants, notes Alasdair
Here are some one our top tips for tenants to ensure a happy tenancy
The adorable, bouncy Doris is our sponsored trainee Guide Dog for the Blind
Alasdair considers the positive outlook of landlords in the Newark and Southwell area.
In the property rental business, having a detailed and accurate inventory is crucial for landlords
Attract the attention of qualified buyers with a serious sales price
Here are our office opening hours for December 2023
Making a good first impression - how to price your house right if you are serious about selling
Find out how Dexter, the trainee Guide Dog for the Blind is getting on with his harness training.
After years of exceptional growth, the UK housing market has started to cool but there's no need to panic yet
Once again, the UK’s property market is undergoing another reset, says Alasdair Morrison.
Landlords are being urged to understand the impact the Renters' Reform Bill will have on tenancies
Since the last Pupdate, Dexter has been introduced to his training harness.
Listen to your local property expert if you want to sell, says Chris
Alasdair notes that there is still a huge appetite to buy property rather than to rent
Our advice is that it's well worth getting your property on the market quickly if you want to secure your next dream home
With Easter now a distant memory, we are well into the traditional house moving period of the year, comments Alasdair Morrison
Love property? Love meeting people? Then you could be our new Accompanied Viewer!
It's the qualified and prepared buyer who will secure the property of their dreams in this market, says Chris Pick.
There are many compelling reasons to be a landlord, says Alasdair Morrison
Dexter is learning new skills which will make him invaluable to his eventual owner.
Demand for Southwell/Newark and the surrounding villages with desirable facilities and amenities remain high on buyer’s requirements.
Enquiries and requests for market appraisals are increasing, says Chris Pick
Wow, the Southwell team agreed four sales in the first two weeks of 2023!
New Year, new home? Buyers are still buying says Chris Pick
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Here are our festive opening hours
It’s not all doom and gloom! Property priced keenly is still selling says Chris Pick
Dexter is continuing to make wonderful progress with his learning to be a Guide Dog.
Our knowledgeable teams at Southwell and Newark have seen and survived property markets just like the one we are currently experiencing
Alasdair offers his viewpoint of the summer property market from 40 years of local property experience
Has the UK property market hit its peak?
Dexter is growing up fast and learning new skills for his eventual owner - Read more...
Are you outgoing and love property? Could you be our new Sales Consultant in Southwell?
After huge gains, are house prices in Newark finally peaking? Ryan takes a look.
Properties are selling faster than ever in spring market frenzy
Join us as we follow Dexter's training to become a Guide Dog for the Blind
Rosie has graduated from training and is with her new owner!
Join us in welcoming Hannah to our busy Rentals Department
Now is the time to sell if you want to access ‘Power Buyers’
Property prices are still rising and March Madness is coming, says Chris Pick
It’s been a flying start to the New Year at the Southwell office of Alasdair Morrison & Partners, reports Chris Pick, Business Development Manager and Valuer.
Ryan says, "If you are committed to selling, then we strongly encourage people to get their property up for sale first, so that they have a strong buying advantage ."
Chris Pick, Business Development Manager and Valuer at Alasdair Morrison & Partners looks back over another interesting year in the Newark and Southwell housing market.
Local property prices remain high in a competitive market, notes Chris Pick
The price of property coming to the market shows highest increase since October 2015, says Chris Pick
Rosie, our trainee Guide Dog is going to be a Calendar Girl!
In a competitive property market, preparation is key to success, says Chris
The August housing market in Southwell and Newark shows no signs of slowing down, says Chris
Chris Pick notes that it's currently a seller's market in Newark and Southwell
Chris Pick thinks that the end of the stamp duty holiday won’t have a huge effect on the booming housing market.
Rosie, our sponsored trainee Guide Dog for the Blind is starting her training.
Says Chris: This year has been incredibly busy as buyers have been snapping up properties across Southwell and Newark in all price brackets.
“Now is absolutely the perfect time to sell your property,” says Alasdair Morrison.
Small towns like Newark saw most property purchases relative to their population in 2020
The UK housing market has surprised us with the strongest spring sellers’ market in decades
Lack of housing stock creates buyer frenzy, says Chris Pick
Read all the latest about Rosie, our Trainee Guide Dog for the Blind
The looming 31 March stamp duty holiday deadline does not seem to have deterred sellers
Yes, you can still move home while in Tier 5 and other helpful advice from Alasdair
Here are our festive opening hours for 2020.
We saw a notable surge in buyer demand for properties in the local area in November.
If you're thinking of living in Newark, then let us introduce you to some highlights in the town
Join us as we welcome Ryan MacLachlan to the team
Read all about Rosie, our Trainee Guide Dog for the Blind
If you're thinking of living in Newark, then let us introduce you to some highlights in the town
If you want to take advantage of the Stamp Duty holiday, then now is the time to put your house on the market
What does the housing market post-lockdown boom mean for Newark and Southwell?
If you're thinking of living in Newark, then let us introduce you to some highlights in the town
Now could be the best time to sell your property says Alasdair.
If you're thinking of living in Newark, then let us introduce you to some highlights in the town
The property market receives a massive boost from the government to get it moving again
If you're thinking of living in Newark, then let us introduce you to some highlights in the town
If you're thinking of living in Newark, then let us introduce you to some highlights in the town
The Zoopla House Price Index Report for May holds interesting news
Rose, the trainee guide dog being sponsored by us is growing fast! Read more here.
Despite the pandemic, we are already seeing intense activity in the local property market
We have a Viewings Charter to keep you and our staff safe during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Poppy, our Trainee Guide Dog for the Blind is all grown up. Read her latest Pupdate...
"The early bird catches the worm", with the reopening of the housing market says Alasdair
Alasdair comments on how we can still help you during the coronavirus
Alasdair offers his view of the Newark & Southwell housing market during the coronavirus pandemic.
Landlord should be aware of the new EPC relations which came into force on 1st April 2020
Alasdair Morrison & Partners are taking steps to maintain the health and safety of our customers and staff.
The local housing market is still booming after a busy January. Alasdair explains more
Uncertainty in the housing market seems to have ended as buyers and sellers return.
Ross Williams will join the Southwell Office to further strengthen the Lettings Department
We finally have a result and can look to the future, says Alasdair
December is one of our busiest times of the year, especially on our website. Alasdair explains why.
How has Brexit affected the local property market? Not at all, says Alasdair Morrison
Our lovely market town has been affected by flooding, prompting a name change
Poppy, our Trainee Guide Dog for the Blind is growing fast. Read her latest Pupdate...
Despite Brexit looming, the Newark & Southwell housing market is strong
The Newark and Southwell property market has got off to an interesting start in September.
Summer can be perfect to sell your Newark or Southwell property. Alasdair explains why...
Summer holidays no longer slow down the housing market, says Alasdair
Poppy is growing up fast now - why not take a moment to read all about her training?
Despite thoughts to the contrary, the Newark and Southwell housing market is moving!
With the Brexit deadline passed, Alasdair looks at what this means for the local housing market
Concerned about the Tenant Fee Ban? Join us at one of our Open Afternoons
Alasdair discusses the Tenant Fee Ban and how it might not be bad news after all.
With Brexit looming, Alasdair takes a closer look at the Newark and Southwell housing market
We are looking for an enthusiastic Saturday Assistant to cover our Newark and Southwell offices
Poppy, our Trainee Guide Dog for the Blind is growing so fast. Read her latest Pupdate...
Despite Brexit, it's not all doom and gloom in the housing market. In fact, it's the opposite...
Alasdair Morrison looks at what the property market might have in store for 2019.
Marking 35 years in estate agency and lettings was just one milestone for Alasdair this year
Alasdair looks at the local housing market situation in relation to the wider UK economic situation
Alasdair Morrison, independent estate agent in Newark and Southwell comments on the property marketing following the Autumn 2018 budget.
Bring your non-perishable donations to our Newark and Southwell offices and support Newark Food Bank
Poppy, our Trainee Guide Dog for the Blind is growing fast. Read her latest Pupdate...
Following a hot summer, what does autumn hold for the property market?
How might the interest rate rise affect you and the local property market?
The Newark & Southwell property market is performing well this summer
Serious buyers won't be put off by the Football Effect, so neither should you!
Read about our sponsored trainee Guide Dog for the Blind, Poppy
Record numbers of buyers are searching for their next home...
The letting agency expands with the acquisition of Valerie Rose Lettings
The East Midlands housing market continues to show strong growth as confidence returns.
The number of qualified buyers locally remains high as they search for their next dream home.
Our sponsorship of Eddie has now ended - so please meet Poppy!
Spring is definitely in the air for the local property market.
Online estate agents might promise to save you thousands, but they might end up costing you more.
Alasdair looks back over 2017, which has proved to be a challenging, and yet ultimately very successful year
As a landlord, do you really know your tenants?
Help others less fortunate than yourself this Christmas by donating to Newark Foodbank
Karen Fenton, will be returning to the Southwell office of Alasdair Morrison & Partners
New and existing sellers have launching their own Autumn Sale to tempt buyers.
We look at how the Danish feeling of Hygge can help to sell your home
Eddie is now living with foster parents until he is matched with his future owner.
As darker nights draw in, we offer some tips to keep you and your home safe
However, demand remains strong for the right property at the right price
87 per cent of sellers say that rapport with branch staff is key to choosing their agent
FREE Lettings and Rentals Clinic in Newark on Thurs 5th Oct 2017
The East Midlands housing market is leading all other regions, including London in average house prices.
Eddie the trainee Guide Dog for the Blind being sponsored by Alasdair Morrison & Partners in Newark and Southwell
According to the July 2017 Rightmove House Price Index, 45% of property on the UK housing market has a SOLD sign on it.
The June 2017 Rightmove House Price Index has seen the highest number of sales agreed in May for nearly 10 years with the exception of May 2014, and are now showing a national uplift of 7%.
At Alasdair Morrison & Partners, we’re committed to helping First Time Buyers get onto the housing market. Our alliance with the Fidúcia Group also means that we can help you find the finance you need for your house deposit.
Alasdair Morrison & Partners has formed an alliance with Fidúcia Mortgage Solutions for clients buying a home in Newark or Southwell.
AVAILABILITY UPDATE – 2nd February 2015